Uvamain Style Guide


Site Purpose

The purpose of this site is to show content regarding uvamain a small welding company located in Aguascalientes Mexico, this website will show what services Uvamain offers to their clients, pictures of the finished work, and more information about the company such as who they are and their mission, vision and history the main purpose of the website will be to let people in the sourrounding areas know about the services of uvamian to help them reach out to more people and also to help them grow as a business.

Target Audience

The target audience for this website will be individuals and companies looking for an option for welding and metal structure services in the area of Aguascalientes Mexico and sourranding areas. The target audience for this site will be people who spend from minimal time in the internet to people who may use it for large periods of time. The audience for this website is expected to be comprised of people of a wide range of ages who may be accessing this site from a desktop or a wide variety of mobile devices.



Uvamain Sitemap image


Uvamain Wireframe 1 image Uvamain Wireframe 2 image Uvamain Wireframe 3 image

Photoshop Design

Download the Uvamain Photoshop design file


Website Logo

Uvamain Logo image

Color Palette

This colors have been chosen to work well with the blue color from the logo of the company which was designed by the owner of the business and for which the company is already known in Aguascalientes I have proposed a triad scheme to compliment the blue color taken from the logo.

Dark Grat

RGB: 66,66,66


RGB: 254,103,25


RGB: 48,177,9


RGB: 255,255,255


The Fira Sans will create good contrast in the website and will also make the copy clear for people to be able to read the information of the website with no problem I have chosen the font to be also bold 700 to be able ot work and create the contrants between the copy and the different headers which will actually contribute to create a higherarcy

Heading Font


Sample Heading

Body Copy Font


Lorem ipsum nonsed eicillabore essum fugit lantisit, si nis eictia num fugiam et quatquis resto eossitem quunt quae sit dolupis maio omnimo il id maio bea ipid que conseque volorem. Et facidebit vel ma doluptasitis num, ullandebit hicto beaquos tiumquis postrum cori odit eosam quiatur? Volo quid minvel earuptatem quiatur?

Mod qui quunturiam idenderro ma et ex ex ex exerum faci repel molut evelign amenduciis moloreperum qui nullupt ustrumet, sequi a pre non net is dia comnimusant isque voleseque eatur simpori beruptae quam fugit eostios quasi nulpa quatur molorero quam eventio ma venis quideri atiaturione volupiscia sime denestis et hil magnatem aliquundella cusanihit fuga. Pienia dolo tem voluptassi volor as voluptae nulla sed maximincium sapelen tiatqui busapernatus aspis as aborioreic tet recta volessu ndelit hil is explame niminve ratur? Mus andebis si adipsamus ad moluptiae cum este verupid es sequam veri tem sequi re volum doluptatque veriorepudis et, tetum as porem et que sim natiis doluptatures et, sam rehent alicipis suntio conestio ipsandam que prem idi quiasped mod maximod iatium ex et quassimin nonempo reperisci te nonsedit ut auta volorisque paribus.


Main Navigation

HTML Elements








Unordered List

Ordered List

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3


Link style 1


Lia sitio blabore ruptatium, to dolorum erum siniscia cor serum sinum solupti aecepe dolupta quiaturion exerum quasi ut et eatemolorem fugit, adistis ab in et dolectem venda custisint occabor esequas core mod est, anditium everes as idundae rferferferi qui re dit eaquo veliquia qui totatiam denis iniscii squatur?

Ant aliquias alis es ma proribus. Solest, officiendic tem eatibeatium re voluptas es diae eate a eostrume nis il erum facit et ex est, ipsae cum simodi tet quos ma volupta aut latur, et quamus nobis netur seritius excero voloratuscia essequaspis sequo cus, everum nissit et fugiaeperor acepedit quatiam et eum volo dicaeribus dest lab illiqua temporrum, que quam que perovidus, voluptatur, officto doluptata nempore icipsapid eatas es eum quiaspis earum que offic tem fugita voluptatinis quis as audigen derferf erition sectasitia solupta nam net quatur andis del ium re enihit aut apelist et es milit quaes ulles expliquunt volorum eictium quia iur, nis dit asped estiatem.

Figure & Figcaption

Figure image
This is the figcaption


Links to Web Design Examples

Links to images, textures, or other borrowed assets

Images were provided by the owner of the business